Business Continuity with Plan424 Find out if it will work for you

A reminder why we need to plan…

What should you do if there's a leaking pipe? A suspicious person loitering outside? A power cut? A bomb threat? A smell of gas? An earthquake?

When something bad happens, you often don't have time to think clearly or to tell people what to do.

Which is why you need to think through incidents like these before they occur and decide on the best course of action. Writing this down, and preparing a few things you may need in advance, is what business continuity planning really is.

But many companies, even if they get to this stage, go no further. Their plan gathers dust on a shelf or is stored on a forgotten network share. Nobody reads it, and few people even know where it is. So when something bad happens, nobody knows what to do.

Plan424 solves this problem by putting clear simple procedures on people's phones, where it is easy for them to review their part of the plan and act on it in emergency.

With Plan424 you don't start with a blank sheet. Pre-written procedures for common emergencies can easily be adapted to meet your organization's needs. And, with a team approach, you can ensure that users only need to read those parts of the plan that affect them.

Will Plan424 work for you?

The easiest way to find out if Plan424 is a good fit for your organization is to try a quick demonstration on your mobile phone. And when you've tried that, ask us for a demonstration of the web-based administration and reporting functions too.

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